Our students and their families are the very fabric of our school and we cherish our partnership with them.

Family members are invited to participate in the classrooms in a variety of ways: reading, cooking, classroom projects and/or participation in field trips.

With the support of our Parent Student Organization, we host special events each school year that are open to our families and the community at large. Who better to introduce the outside community to our school than our happy students and families?

Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year to discuss children’s progress. Individual meetings can be scheduled at the request of the family or the teacher.

Parent education opportunities are offered throughout the year. An important benefit of being part of our community is families understanding and supporting the underlying values that the child is acquiring at school. Education Nights, which are scheduled throughout the academic year, discuss topics ranging from the Montessori principles, areas of the classroom and their purposes, discipline approaches and age-appropriate socialization.

In depth training for families is also another goal. This is done in sessions offered to families that are called “Silent Journeys” which offer an opportunity to experience Montessori in-depth, and support from home, the work that we are doing with the children during the school year.

a child learning to sweep, building responsibility through practical life activities
a child practicing sequencing with Montessori number rods
a child arranging color tablets to understand color variations and gradients