Tina Laubach – Toddler

1. Where are you from? Missouri

2. How long have been teaching? 5 years

3. Where did you go to school? KS Community College, Center for Montessori Teacher Education in North Carolina.

4. What degrees/certifications do you hold? AMS Certified Infant/Toddler, Certified Positive Discipline Parent Coach

5. What  is a top teaching moment that stands out in your career? Parents provide me with a lot of feedback about how their home life has changed due to their child’s newly acquired level of independence learned in my classroom. In addition to independence, which is amazing to witness in children this young, I also have the privilege of experiencing how it is the nature of young children to help others. I will never forget the time on of my students, age 2, watched a classmate, age 15 months, struggling to put on her shoe. He walked over to her and attempted to help her, and together – collaboratively – they found the solution to get her shoe on. This is one of my proudest moments as a teacher of toddler age children because of that act, that accomplishment, defines so many things that are important about the principals of the Montessori curriculum; Development of Independence & Full Exploration of Materials without Interruption. This principal allows the child to learn what they need to learn vs. learning what the adult has decided that the child needs to learn.

6. Tell us about your family, hobbies, and interests. I’m married with 3 children. My hobbies include reading, book clubs, essential oils for health, consultation on creating a Montessori environment at home.

7. What country have you never visited but would love to see? Holland